
Let (N) Be_

Let (N) Be

“The N Word” is one of the most explosive words in the English language, at least here in the United States. You cannot decouple The N Word from its historical load.


And this year, one of the politically ugliest during my lifetime, I made a puzzle dedicated to words beginning with the letter N.


I don’t remember the exact genesis of this project but, based on early studio snapshot, doesn’t seem like initial exploration had much to do with the N Word.

More to do with dialectical relationship between Nature and Nurture.


Until, somehow, (Pearson’s) Nut Roll showed up. That’s my neural network for you.


Basically, nuts –


When that happened I let go of concept and went into subconscious…


For a puzzle dedicated to language I, ironically, had a lot of difficulty naming this image.


I held a minor title contest among my farmer’s market customers and colleagues. People had great ideas! Rani (henna guru) came up with “I forgot Nimcompoop”; Elaine (a new customer) suggested “Names and Noise.”


Other favorites: “Nyet,” “MeaNderings” and “Ncyclopedia.”


Then my cousin-advisor Miriam suggested this mathematical reference and her idea resonated.


Let (n) be_whatever you need it to be right now in your life.

© Sarah Jane Lapp, 2025